SVP Teens Land Acknowledgement
SVP Teens
recognizes the land on which we live and work is on the Haldimand Tract, land that was granted to the
Haudenosaunee of the Six Nations of the Grand River. We acknowledge that we are within the rightful
territory and traditional home of the Neutral, Anishinaabe, and Haudenosaunee peoples.
In this territory, Indigenous people continue to experience inequality, violence and oppression.
SVP Teens is making it a practice to acknowledge the history of the land that we reside on and the continuous
contributions of Indigenous Peoples that shape Waterloo Region. We are committed to understanding and honouring
the past and present of Indigenous history as an act of iterating Indigenous peoples existence, experiences,
and adversities which have been largely absent from the Canadian consciousness for hundreds of years.
One of SVP Teens’ core values is to “speak up”. As a commitment to our values, we must reflect on our role in
repairing our nation's relationship with Indigenous people and hold ourselves accountable in the continuous
work of decolonization. This land acknowledgement is only the first small step in our continued journey.